standing stared at each other
we vowed to cut open our chests
read its content with no distress
(revised, nov 7, 09)
© Era Fiyantiningrum
==== I've just found this old short story I wrote back in 2000, this one is a repost from The Jakarta Post, 1 Jan 2001 ===
==== catatan: ini puisi tahun jebot, nemu di laci meja... kalok nggak salah dimuatnya di Surabaya Post, satu hari minggu bulan September 1995 ... well, kalok salah, ya paling-paling bulan Oktober tahun yang sama ====
==== ==== ====(FB Version) Notes: Aku unggah ini untuk Hendri, the only real person I use for character in this short story, a person who "disappear" some eleven years ago and his "lost" had inspired me to write this during the chaotic days of 98'.
Geez, I wrote fiction. Any similarity to the characters, events, and places was a mere accidental and you could read this at your own risk. EF 2009)==== ==== ====
==== seingatku ditulis akhir 2008 di Situ Babakan bersama Mike Marginal, Juzac Sundoy (sa bisa gila trada pinang!), dan Mujib Hermani. Versi aslinya lebih panjang, yang ini dipotong hanya upload bagian awalnya aja, especially buat sg karena tak ada urek-urek lain yg bisa kukabarkan dalam waktu singkat===© Era Fiyantiningrum